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Ancient Yogis had a belief that for a human to be in harmony with himself and the environment, he has to integrate the body, the mind and the spirit. The Yogis formulated a way to achieve and maintain this balance and it is done through ‘Asanas’ or physical postures,’ Pranayama’ or breathing exercises and meditation-the three basic yoga structures. Originating in ancient India, Yoga has gained massive popularity in the modern western world.


  • Karma Yoga-Yoga of action/service

  • Bhakti Yoga-Yoga of devotion and love

  • Raja Yoga-Yoga of self-control

  • Gnana Yoga-Yoga of the mind

  • Mantra Yoga- Chanting of mantra

  • Hatha Yoga-Yoga of postures

Branches of yoga

At Ayuryoga Wellness Centre, we will combine the knowledge of Ayurveda with your yoga routine to achieve overall health.

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  • Yama-Moral discipline or moral vows

  • Niyama-Positive duties or observances

  • Asana-Physical postures and movements

  • Pranayama-Breathing techniques

  • Pratyahara-Withdrawal of senses

  • Dharana-Focused concentration

  • Dhyan-Meditative absorption

  • Samadhi- Union, integration

Limbs Of Yoga
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